Our Level5Design transport specialists and industry experts regularly contribute their detailed knowledge and experience to global transport forum's and summits. A collection of published works is referenced below.
- Gaynor D, Johnston D, Coleman M, Chin C and Cropley S (2023), 'Background to the Extended Austroads Vehicle Classification Scheme for Traffic and Transport Surveys', Austroads, Sydney, pp. 135.
- Gaynor D, Chin C and Fisk A (2020), 'Best Practice Approaches to Road Freight and Communities', Austroads, Sydney, pp. 108.
- Gaynor D and Chin C (2020), 'Framework and Tools for Road Freight Access Decisions' Austroads, Sydney, pp. 96.
- Chin C and Keys H (2020), 'The Pros and Cons of Plastic', Roads and Infrastructure Magazine, 18 February 2020, Roads and Infrastructure Australia
- Chin C and Damen P (2019), 'Viability of Using Recycled Plastics in Asphalt and Spray Sealing Applications', Austroads, Sydney, pp. 46.
- Damen P, 'Local area traffic management: new findings from local government in Australia and New Zealand', International Public Works Conference, 20th, 2019, Hobart, Australia, Institute of Public Works Australasia (IPWEA).
- Damen P, 'A new comparative update on experiences with local area traffic management in Australia and New Zealand', AITPM National Traffic and Transport Conference, 2019, Adelaide, Australia, Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management (AITPM).
- Damen P, 'Why are cycling facilities in LATM considered more effective but being used less', IPWEA Intouch, 19 April 2019, Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Canberra
- Damen P, 'Car sharing set to reduce dependency on privately owned vehicles', Parking Insider, 19 March 2019, Parking Australia
- Damen P, 'Imagine a future without ever having to find a parking spot', Parking Insider, 29 November 2018, Parking Australia
- Damen P, 'What will your commute look like in a connected and automated future?', IPWEA Intouch, 11 July 2018, Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Canberra
- Schneider L, 'These smart technologies will take the pain out of parking', IPWEA Intouch, 25 July 2018, Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia, Canberra
- Damen P, 'Its time to speed up the tech for the greater good', Big Rigs Magazine, 10 July 2018, News Corporation Australia, Ipswich Queensland
- Damen P and Millican D (2017), ‘Local Area Traffic Management’, Ch26, Traffic Engineering and Management, 7th edn, Monash University Press, Clayton, Australia, pp.686-708.
- Damen P (2017), ‘Accurate data equals better infrastructure decision-making’, ALGA News, 3 November 2017, Australian Local Government Association, Canberra.
- Damen P, Brindle R and Rueda M (2016), Guide to Traffic Management Practice, Part 8: Local Area Traffic Management, 2nd edn, Austroads, Sydney, pp. 188.
- Damen P and Ralston K (2015), ‘The Latest on Local Area Traffic Management Practice in Australia and New Zealand – An Update and Comparison for Local Government’, International Public Works Conference, 18th, 2015, Rotorua, New Zealand, Institute of Public Works Australasia (IPWEA).
- Damen P, Denneman E, et al (2015), ‘Implementing Innovative Road Building Technologies: The TIPES Certification Process’, International Public Works Conference, 18th, 2015, Rotorua, New Zealand, Institute of Public Works Australia (IPWEA).
- Hillier P, Wright B and Damen P (2015), 'Readiness for Self-Driving Vehicles in Australia', ARRB Group Ltd, Vermont South, Victoria, Australia, 24pp.
- Damen P and Rodwell L (2011), ‘Local Area Traffic Management Practice – A Comparative Update’, International Public Works Conference, 16th, 2011, Canberra, Australia, Institute of Public Works Australia (IPWEA).
- Damen P (2010), ‘Pushing the envelope in road research in Australasia – the development of a comprehensive road research program and set of Australasian best practice guidelines’, International Road Federation World Congress, Portugal.
- Damen P, Brindle R and Gan C (2008), Guide to Traffic Management Practice, Part 8: Local Area Traffic Management, 1st edn, Austroads, Sydney, pp. 205.
- Damen P and Huband A (2008), Guide to Traffic Management Practice, Part 11: Parking, 1st edn, Austroads, Sydney, pp. 142.
- Damen P, McInerney R and Hense D (2007), 'Improving road safety in developing countries using NetRisk: a road network risk management approach', Road Safety on Four Continents International Conference, 14th, 2007, Bangkok, Thailand, Swedish Road Research Institute (VTI), Stockholm, Sweden, pp.433-443.
- Damen P (2007), 'The whole box'n'dice of traffic calming experiences in local government', International Public Works Conference, 14th, 2007, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, Institute of Public Works Australia (IPWEA).
- Damen P and Huband A (2006), 'Design of angled parking bays', Road and Transport Research, vol.15, no.3, pp.84-88.
- Damen P (2005), ‘LATM (traffic calming): how do we encourage local government to share their knowledge more effectively?', Road and Transport Research, vol.14, no.2, pp.115-6.
- Damen P (2005), 'New guide for managing local traffic', Public Works Engineering Magazine, February-March.
- Taylor S and Damen P (2005), ‘ParkBench: a national parking benchmarking initiative for local government', Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Annual Meeting, 25th, 2005, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Institute of Transport Engineers, Washington DC, 7pp.
- Damen P (2004), ‘Assessing the impact of traffic calming techniques', Roads Magazine, October-November, pp.41-4.
- Damen P, Brindle R and Gan C (2004), Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice, Part 10: Local Area Traffic Management, 2nd edn, Austroads, Sydney, pp.158.
- Damen P (2003), ‘Recent experiences, successes and failures with local area traffic management in Australasia', ARRB Transport Research Conference, 21st, 2003, Cairns, Queensland, Australia Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA) Conference, 11th, 2003, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, ARRB Transport Research, Vermont South, Vic., 6pp
- Damen P (2003), ‘Evaluating the effectiveness of local area traffic management, Roads Magazine, June-July, pp.44-7.
- Damen P (2003), ‘Recent local area traffic management experience in Australasia', Public Works Engineering State Conference, 2003, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (Western Australia Division), T: Subiaco, S: Western Australia, 5pp.
- Gan C and Damen P (2003), ‘Review of local area traffic management (LATM) practices', Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, 2003, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA), Sydney, New South Wales, vol.2, pp.296-300.
- Taylor S and Damen P (2003), ‘Safe eyes for a safer community', ARRB Transport Research Conference, 21st, 2003, Cairns, Queensland, Australia Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA) Conference, 11th, 2003, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, ARRB Transport Research, Vermont South, Vic., 5pp.
- Damen P and Taylor S (2002), ‘Balancing traffic planning objectives and community opinion in a rapidly growing tourist town', Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management (AITPM) National Conference, 2002, Perth, Western Australia, Australia, Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and Management (AITPM), Thornleigh, New South Wales, pp.243-51.
- Ker I, Hodge G, Bunbury J and Damen P (2001), TIIRIS - Supporting new directions in transport, Australasian Transport Research Forum (ATRF), 24th, 2001, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources, Hobart, Tasmania, 15pp.
- Taylor S and Damen P (2001), Potential improvements for non-motorised and vulnerable (unprotected) users in the road system, report AP-R195/01, Austroads, Sydney.
- Taylor S and Damen P (2001), Traffic flow models allowing for pedestrians and cyclists, report AP-R193/01, Austroads, Sydney.